Shop with smile

We're thrilled to have developed a complete ecommerce solution for our client, a seller of general products. Our custom-built website is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience, with advanced features and functionality to maximize sales and customer satisfaction.

App screenshot

Complete E-Commerce solution

The story of eTrgovinica

Building an Ecommerce Store with a Robust Feature Set to Enhance the Shopping Experience

We are proud to be working closely with eTrgovinica to develop a high-quality ecommerce platform that will enhance their sales and marketing abilities. Developing this platform presents unique challenges that require us to think creatively and work closely with the client to overcome. However, our commitment to excellence and perseverance has allowed us to deliver a feature-rich ecommerce store that exceeds expectations.

  • Multi payment integrations. Developed complete checkout process with PayPal, Credit card(Stripe), Klarna and PayU
  • Abandoned cart. Sending SMS using Infobip and E-Mails using SqualoMail
  • MetaKocka. Integrated MetaKocka Warehouse management system
  • Call Center. A comprehensive solution for addressing customer issues, tracking statistics, and managing abandoned carts
  • Multi language support. Streamlining the process of expanding into new markets

In addition, our integration with MetaKocka provides real-time inventory and order management, ensuring a smooth and efficient order fulfillment process. And to provide top-notch customer service, we created a custom call center system that allows for seamless communication with customers.

Our pathway from obscurity to success

Overall, our goal was to drive more customers and sales for our client, and we're proud to say that website has exceeded expectations. Shop with confidence on our client's website today and experience the convenience of a truly optimized shopping experience.

eTrgovinica Checkout

Digital Showcase

Take a look at some of the key features and functionalities of the system through gallery.

Landing page



When developing the eTrgovinica ecommerce website, we knew that creating an effective landing page was crucial to attracting and engaging potential customers. We designed a landing page that was visually appealing and user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and clear calls-to-action.


Product overview

By implementing a well-designed sales funnel, we were able to increase conversions and drive more sales on our client's ecommerce website. By optimizing the product overview page and streamlining the checkout process, we created a seamless user experience that resulted in higher conversion rates. Our data-driven approach and focus on user behavior helped us identify and address pain points in the buying process, ultimately leading to a more successful ecommerce business for our client.

Product overview


Jackpot wheel

Jackpot wheel feature on the ecommerce website isn't just fun and engaging, it's also a powerful tool for driving sales. By offering users the chance to win discounts on other products, we're able to incentivize additional purchases and increase the average order value. This feature not only keeps users engaged with the website, but also encourages them to explore more of our client's product offerings.



Just take a look at the results - this happy customer was able to spin and win a fantastic discount on their next purchase. By providing users with a fun and interactive way to engage with the website, we're able to create a memorable shopping experience that keeps them coming back for more. With the Jackpot wheel feature, everyone's a winner - users get exciting discounts, and our client's ecommerce business sees increased sales and customer loyalty.

Product overview


Ultra Jackpot

At neolab, we're always looking for ways to help our clients drive even more sales and increase customer loyalty. That's why we've taken our popular Jackpot wheel feature to the next level with the Ultra Jackpot. This exciting feature works the same way as the regular Jackpot, but offers even bigger discounts to your customers.

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